SC template ecommerce-pro 1 - Kho giao diện

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SC template ecommerce-pro 1 (v2.4) SC: 8.0 8.1 9.0
Giá: $89
Báo lỗi ứng dụng

Mô tả

Template "S-Cart Ecommerce Pro 1" for S-Cart.
Link demo:

Use HTML from "Ecom - Multipurpose Marketplace HTML Template". 

We respect the author's HTML copyright. Please visit "" and purchase the license to use HTML.
S-Cart will refund the HTML cost after you send us the successful HTML order notification screen.

=== V1.0 ====
- Support S-Cart 7.2
- Support plugin multi-vendor pro, multi-store pro
- Support plugin Flash sale

========= How to install ===========

Step 1: Admin => Extension => Template manager => Import Template
Step 2: Admin => Shop setting => Store infomation => Template: choice "S-Cart Ecommerce Pro 1"
Step 3: Install plugin if you need
+ Plugin multi vendor-pro:
+ Plugin multi-store pro:
+ Plugin flash sale:

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