Roles & permissions
2. Roles
3. User & psermission
1. Permissions:
Access: "Admin system -> Admin -> Permission"- Specifies the actions that users are allowed in each screen.
Specifically, the right to view and change data (add, edit, delete) only.
For example:
POST:: sc_admin/banner/create
- The method actions ANY mean full control on that screen.
For example: ANY::sc_admin/banner/*
- Each permission has 1 or more different actions

Permission list:

Permisison detail:

2. Roles
Role list:- Is a group of many different permissions
For example: Marketing, Accountant, Cms manager
- There are 2 roles especially administrator and onlyview. These 2 roles do not need permissions in it. Default:
+ Administrator has all access rights in the admin
+ OnlyView also has all access rights, but not the right to change data.

Role detail:

3. User
User permission detail- Each user can have 1 or more different roles
- In addition, users can add permissions to have rights other than roles.

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