Template S-Cart Shop Pro - Template

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Template S-Cart Shop Pro (v2.4) SC: 8.0 8.1 9.0
Price: $49
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Demo for s-cart template pro: https://s-cart-template-pro.s-cart.org/

=== V1.0 ====
- Support S-Cart 7.2
- Support plugin multi-vendor pro, multi-store pro
- Support plugin Flash sale

========= How to install ===========

Step 1: Admin => Extension => Template manager => Import Template
Step 2: Admin => Shop setting => Store infomation => Template: choice "S-Cart Shop Pro"
Step 3: Install plugin if you need
+ Plugin multi vendor-pro: https://s-cart.org/en/multi-vendor.html
+ Plugin multi-store pro: https://s-cart.org/en/multi-store.html
+ Plugin flash sale: https://s-cart.org/en/plugin/product-flash-sale_162051258960970f4d1cd45.html

- Install free plugin "Product flash sale" (Option)


Guide to install template s-cart pro


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