Paypal express for S-Cart - Plugin

Payment method paypal for SCart, use paypal-checkout-sdk 1.0.1
Note: You must install paypal's SDK package before installing this paypal Plugin, otherwise there will be an error.
Step1: Installation paypal SDK:
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar require paypal/paypal-checkout-sdk
Step2: Install plugin paypal
Option1: Install from library
"Admin extension -> Payment -> Tab From Library -> Choose PaypalExpress -> Click button Install"
Option 2: Import
Download plugin from
Then, import plugin
Step 3: Config plugin
Step 5: Result
Nguyễn nguyên
(2022-04-16 12:59:10
it is the best
Rashid Rasheed
(2021-10-27 01:02:18
I am getting an error That's is Class `Papaylcheckoutsdk\orders\ordercreaterequest` Not Found.
So Please Solve me This error
So Please Solve me This error