"TAX" is supported by SCart from version SC1.1
+ Tax can be configured by default to use the whole system.
+ Each product can also be assigned a separate tax, or tax exemption (without tax).
+ In addition, it is possible to install multiple taxes on the system simultaneously.
1.Processing logic
2. Tax settings
3. Default tax setting for the system
4. Tax setting for each product
1. Processing logic:
+ Tax of 1 order is equal to the total tax of each product. No tax is calculated based on the total order value.
+ Tax value is rounded to the whole value.
+ When the product is set to default taxes, it will get the value set in "Default tax setting for the system"

2. Tax settings
Access "Product & Catalog" => "Tax manager"

3. Default tax setting for the system
Access "Product & Catalog" => "Config product" => "Tax config"

4. Tax setting for each product
In each product, perform the tax configuration at your disposal.
+ Tax can be configured by default to use the whole system.
+ Each product can also be assigned a separate tax, or tax exemption (without tax).
+ In addition, it is possible to install multiple taxes on the system simultaneously.
1.Processing logic
2. Tax settings
3. Default tax setting for the system
4. Tax setting for each product
1. Processing logic:
+ Tax of 1 order is equal to the total tax of each product. No tax is calculated based on the total order value.
+ Tax value is rounded to the whole value.
+ When the product is set to default taxes, it will get the value set in "Default tax setting for the system"
2. Tax settings
Access "Product & Catalog" => "Tax manager"

3. Default tax setting for the system
Access "Product & Catalog" => "Config product" => "Tax config"

4. Tax setting for each product
In each product, perform the tax configuration at your disposal.

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