Instructions to customize the Admin template
Steps to be followed:
Step 1: Publish files from the vendor out

Step 2: Check the files
Check that files and folders are copied out
Finally, customize the files in resources/views/admin as you like!
Step 1: Publish files from the vendor out
Successful results:php artisan sc:customize admin

Step 2: Check the files
Check that files and folders are copied out
resources/views/vendor/s-cart-admin ((for version >= 6.2))
resources/views/admin (for version < 6.2)

Finally, customize the files in resources/views/admin as you like!
- The command "php artisan sc: customize admin" only copies files from vendor to vendor if they do not exist outside.
- This command does not overwrite old files
=> So, if you want to export the latest files from the vendor, you need to delete the files that existed before.
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