Install plugin
1. Types of plugins
2. Install the Plugin
2.1. Install online
2.2. Import
2.3. Install manual
How to install Plugin
1.Types of plugins
All extended functions in SCart called "Plugin".
SCart plugin includes 5 groups:
- Payment: The function of supporting online payment
- Shipping: Shipping order functions
- Total: Function that changes the order value (discounts, promotions ..)
- CMS content: Content management function
- Other: Other functions
2. Install Plugin
2.1. Install online
- The plugin is installed directly from SCart library

2.2. Import
- Import plugin function (.zip) via import function.

Import only supports formatted files .zip, max size 50MB

2.3. Install manual
The SCart Plugin file after unzipping has 2 directories:
- public: Contains static files. For example images, javascript, css
- src: Contains the main code of the Plugin
The configuration file of the Plugin is src/config.json
The contents of the config file contain important configuration information:
Copy the content in the directory "public" to "public/Plugins/Payment/Paypal"
Copy directory content "src" to "app/Plugins/Payment/Paypal"
With Payment, Paypal are the values defined in the file "config".
Upload plugin location:
Depending on the type of Plugin "configCode", you access Admin to perform the Plugin installation

2. Install the Plugin
2.1. Install online
2.2. Import
2.3. Install manual
How to install Plugin
1.Types of plugins
All extended functions in SCart called "Plugin".
SCart plugin includes 5 groups:
- Payment: The function of supporting online payment
- Shipping: Shipping order functions
- Total: Function that changes the order value (discounts, promotions ..)
- CMS content: Content management function
- Other: Other functions
2. Install Plugin
2.1. Install online
- The plugin is installed directly from SCart library

2.2. Import
- Import plugin function (.zip) via import function.

Import only supports formatted files .zip, max size 50MB

2.3. Install manual
The SCart Plugin file after unzipping has 2 directories:
- public: Contains static files. For example images, javascript, css
- src: Contains the main code of the Plugin
The configuration file of the Plugin is src/config.json
The contents of the config file contain important configuration information:
Step 1:"configGroup": "Plugins", -> is Plugins
"configCode": "Payment", -> Types of Plugin
"configKey": "Paypal", -> Key plugin
Copy the content in the directory "public" to "public/Plugins/Payment/Paypal"
Copy directory content "src" to "app/Plugins/Payment/Paypal"
With Payment, Paypal are the values defined in the file "config".
Upload plugin location:
Step 2:SCart-folder/
├── app
│ ├── Plugins
│ ├── Payment
│ | |___Paypal
│ |___Shipping
├── public
│ ├── Plugins
│ ├── Payment
│ | |___Paypal
│ |___Shipping
|__ ...
Depending on the type of Plugin "configCode", you access Admin to perform the Plugin installation

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